Friday, March 16, 2012


Once a upon a time(sounding fairy tale like), there was this period of time where I was very Very afraid to make mistakes ; Mistakes like losing a crayon in sch, mistakes like shading wrongly on the OAS forms, mistakes like forgetting my keys n waiting along the common corridor w/o lunch n dinner till my parents return late fr work at night etc, mistakes like saying whatever comes to my mind without thinking.

Of what these seemed like big mistakes to me then actually toughen me up- I learn to be mindful of my box of crayons n future possessions, learnt to read instructions carefully, learnt to finish my homework by the stairs while spending time reflecting in the darken corridors of the late dusk then, learn to never skip my meals, learn to be mindful of the situation n think before I speak.

Fast forward, as a young adult, I learn that there are many mistakes one makes; the difference between a major /minor mistake n the severity of the consequences depends on the stakes, how well one handles the situation n how a person learns to stand again after learning to fall. The distinction is no longer black or white but alot of grey areas with a silver lining.

A gamble and a lot more decisive planning is the next step from now on...

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