Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Red Brick Building

Walking along the rustic corridors of an old building - my roomie said it used to be a haunted house... Hmmm...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The School Bus

It does'nt help huffing and puffing up the enormous hilly campus and reaching my destination to find out that a campus bus does reach the place...

Friday, September 10, 2010

What have I been up to =)

Nice sign by a student leader - The thing is we took too many a photo =p

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Mahjong Culture, HK

During my first week here, my HK hostel neighbours came over n asked me to join them across the hall for Mahjong as they were looking for a 4th player. I tried to explain that I dont know how to play mahjong...Friendly as they are, they started teaching me n told me to learn as I play along. It is quite comical as I am not very sure abt my tiles n often look at the person next to me n ask

Me(Out of curiosity - pointing at his tiles )
"Is that
中? You waiting for 红中?"
The poor guy : " Shhhh!!!! Dont tell others my tiles!!!"

We often ended in fits of giggles during mahjong sessions... They are just too nice to tell me not to sabotage their game(which I'm still so confused abt)