Saturday, July 25, 2009

Smoker's Last wish

Growing up with my grandma, nearly everyone around me smokes. My grandma smokes, my uncles smoke and many of my other relatives smoke. Very often, family gatherings would involve a community of tobacco puffing. I dont know whether its a blessing in disguise but I have bronchitis since my childhood and cigarette fumes do cause me to go into a coughing fit whenever I'm down with bronchitis. Its because of my condition and being health conscious, I dont smoke and would turn to chewing gum n sweets.

Last week, I was spending some time at the hospital visiting granduncle who after 60 years of chronic Ang Hoon smoking is terminally ill with the final stage of lung cancer. His prognosis is poor and the doctors gave him morphine to relieve his pain.
During one of his more awake periods, he gladly accepted a cup of milo and drank it deeply with a straw before commenting that the chocolate flavoured cigarette is too sweet for his liking n he preferred smoking Ang Hoon.

Apparently, granduncle thought that the straw with milo was a cigarette! (At first, granduncle was very adamant abt the chocolate flavoured cigarette but after an aunt told told granduncle that he cant smoke in the hospital n its plainly milo and a straw, he was quite disappointed)

Before leaving for the day, Granduncle told us his one of his last wishes is to smoke ang hoon. I guess u can never get smoking out of a smoker.